One, two, three pills came out of the tub. She looked at her reflection
in the mirror. It was good to be able to look at a mirror and see herself, and
not a blue face. What she saw was pain in her dark eyes. She was suffering. The
curse was broken, she was broken. She was used to the pain, to the suffering,
but when she was younger she was a believer. Now, after so many years, she
couldn’t handle that alone. One, two, three pills of vicodin. She swallowed
them with a cup of water. Emma was the hope, after all. The hope for everyone
but Regina. She took Henry away, and she used the mayor to get people’s
attention. Why did everybody just keep taking what was hers? Everybody loved to
rip things way her! So why the surprise when she ripped their hearts? They took
her boyfriend, her lover, her son, her kindom, her power… Why she should care
about anyone’s happiness, but hers? Nobody cared about her. One two three pills…
She wasn’t counting anymore. She just wanted to make sure it would stop the hurt.